Friday, June 25, 2010

Red Light, Green Light

Getting to work is pretty much a straight drive.  Only 4.26 miles says mapquest.  You know what else mapquest says?  10 minutes.  Yep.  That's what it says.  So why am I leaving 20 minutes early and getting there just on time?  Why does it take 15 minutes to get home?  I'll tell you why.  Traffic lights.  And some nights, I seem to hit every single one of them during a red.  I remember there was one time I made it with no stops.  I had to speed through a couple to make sure I made it in time.  I have worked at this location for over 8 months now and only one time made it straight home.  You wanna know what usually happens?  I usually hit every single red.  Do you have any idea how frustrating this is?  It doesn't matter that I've already been waiting 3 minutes at the previous stop.  No matter how slow or how fast I go, I end up stopping.  I wish there was a science to it.  Just drive 10 miles an hour and you'll make it without stopping....or go 30 miles and hour and you won't stop.  There's no rhyme or reason to it....just me hoping I make to work on time.  In the meantime, I've thought of many great analogy's I can use for future motivational talks. 


  1. There is an attorney commercial that say the average red light is about 2 minutes so don't run it. I want to ask him how often he hits multiple red lights. 2 minutes, plus 2 minutes, plus 2 minutes.....oh crap now I'm late! I wonder if I would have ran that yellow instead of stopping if I would have made it there on time? The worst is when you are approaching, can see that no one is waiting yet the light turns red for you. So you have to sit there for the 2 minutes waiting for only the dang light!

  2. Time to head for the country. Not a single red light here in my town. But then again you do get stuck behind a tractor occasionally...and it takes 20 minutes to get close to anything remotely urban.

  3. The ones I hate are the ones that you sit at and wait....and wait.....and wait.......and no one else is at the light nor any cars coming in any direction for miles and miles....and you wait.....and you wait.......because you just know if you decide to say, "the heck with it!" and blow the red light.......a cop car will magically appear out of the cracks in the asphalt.

  4. Chastina, seriously! With each light, I become more and more agitated. I try to tell myself it's okay to wait, but I'm not so good at it. Luckily, there have been very few times I've been late, but there have been several close calles. Rachel, I tell you--I've been at those lights before and have had to use every ounce of my self-disciple not to go ahead. Lauren, you have given me another reason to love Vermont.


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