My fish is floating upside down in the tank again. I growl and gently tap the sides to see if he's dead for real
Nope. (S)He is usual. I realize, in the short 8 months we have lived with this dear fish, Bubbles is just like one of the kids, he likes to antagonize me. 

This brings me to my point; I feel that each member of my family has some lessons to teach me. My fish taught me that no matter how small, we all have our personalities. Bubbles is our prankster.

I've learned that we don't always have to play by our own rules to have a good time. This was the shortest, least contentious game of SORRY I have ever played (if you'd like a copy of our rules, I can pass them on). 

I've learned that it's okay to just hang out once in a while. We don't always have to be talking to be connecting. My kids love me and just want to be with me. How cool is that?!!
I LOVE what I'm learning...well, I do wish Bubbles would quit playing dead. When he really does die,
(s)he'll end up floating in there for days before we know it's real. Life is good, life is great, it only gets better with family.