Saturday, January 2, 2010

You know, I have been afraid in the past to make resolutions because I don't want the disappointment of not living up to my goals. I hate to fail! Well, I've decided to set the phobia aside, and take charge of what I don't like about myself. Did you know you lose my phone on a daily basis? Or my keys? I mean to have a set place for them (like my purse or coat pocket), but then there's the occassional moments when I become distracted and I put them somewhere else. I feel so frustrated with myself. Well, this year, I RESOLVE to not be so tough on myself. The house will become messy (well, I could better put that by saying, it may never become clean), I will misplace things, but it's okay. I RESOLVE to take baby steps into a more organized life. One day, my house will be so clear of clutter, that my phone will stick out like neon lights. Yep! This is the year. And if not, next year is my year. And if not, 2012 is the one.....


  1. I think the blog has a certain dark and mysterious quality to it right now. Very cool.

  2. Cool Resolution. I have never been to a blog before, but now I have.

  3. look at you, so many comments already!
    To change the background to the cute things, you go to:
    Add a gadget (on the sidebar)
    Add HTML/java script

    There are super cute blog background sites that you can look at and when you like a background it will give you a code to copy and paste into the html gadget that you added.

    mine right now is from

    I also like


  4. I love blogs! The biggest factor in helping me overcome my fear of failure was Elder Uchdorf's talk about creating. I hope to see more posts (and pictures) in the future!

  5. oooo-i am loving this already! you are a kindred spirit...i am quite sure of it. :)


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