Monday, January 25, 2010

Don't worry about chores--it's good enough!

Anybody need some toys?


  1. short, but very impressive!

    i hear those really big black garbage bags love to eat toys! at least the ones i buy do....(but only when the kids are in school...)

  2. I have enough at my house; thanks for the offer. ;D

    The D.I. loves when the garbage bags eat toys at my house.

  3. We have enough at our house too. I say we get Misty to send us some of those toy eating bags and ship them off to the DI with Chastina! Problem solved!

  4. I had the kids each fill up a box for DI's and it hardly made a dent. I'm getting tougher though. Now we have another fun Firday night activity. Anyone have some more boxes....

  5. I have tons of diaper boxes!! you want some?

  6. I'm going to say, "Yes!" because their messes have gone on long enough. DI or freecycle could use more of our stuff.


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