Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just let it be....

I bought the $1.74 turtleneck at Old Navy yesterday.  The price isn't really essential to the story, but I was just so proud of the purchase, I had to add it.  The boys wear the same size pants and are running low, so I bought them a pair of pants as well.  I figure, one pair at a time will hopefully not break the bank.  I look for dresses-Geneva is outgrowing all hers--but I didn't see any on sale.  I DO NOT pay full price for clothes, so sadly, there was no dress in the shopping bags.  When I returned home, I apologized to Geneva.  I told her I tried finding her a dress, but they didn't have any on sale.  I guess she must have misunderstood what I said, for when I pulled out that turtleneck, she ran over to me with her arms outstretched crying, "Thanks, Mom!"  What could I say?!!  I put the shirt on her.  Geneva thought it was her...dress. She refused to take to off this morning for church. I put a sleeveness number over top and hoped everyone thought we were starting a new trend-large adult shirt on small-petite child. It's all the rage!


  1. Good call mom! Some battles just aren't worth the fight. I can send you a couple of Sophie's old dresses. Just email me you address.

  2. oh my heck...this is so funny...KIDS!!!! Girls especially! i made joyce really upset yesterday because i ordered a skirt for her online (on sale for 10 will go with everything because it is tan....old navy) because she wanted a ruffle skirt...from land's end...for 25 bucks! no way sista'....girls girls girls...

  3. Ha Ha Ha! I love that Geneva. She is adorable, the story pricless, and I didn't think twice about her dress at church.

  4. Here's the moral, everybody (not really). When you find a good sale on girl's dresses, let me know. I'm actually croqueting a dress. How funny is that?!!


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